The Camera serves as an eye to our world, capturing forever that special moment that imprints itself on our minds eye...The photographs in my ongoing collection represent not only the simple pleasures of everyday life, but also, quick glances of fleeting images and changing light that surround our world in beauty, drama - and, at times, regret...It is these fragile and transitory moments that transform everyday things into uniquely beautiful, curious and haunting images.

Pastiche n. (Fr) An Artistic Composition Drawn From Various Sources
Signed Framed Art Piece available with either 5" x 7" or 8" x 10" Matted Photographs in a Wood Frame

Pastiche n. (Fr) An Artistic Composition Drawn From Various Sources
Signed Framed Art Piece available in either 5" x 7" or 8" x 10" Matted Photographs in a Wood Frame

Pastiche n. (Fr) An Artistic Composition Drawn From Various Sources
Signed Framed Art Piece available in either 5" x 7" or 8" x 10" Matted Photographs in a Wood Frame

Pastiche n. (Fr) An Artistic Composition Drawn From Various Sources
Signed Framed Art Piece available in either 5" x 7" or 8" x 10" Matted Photographs in a Wood Frame

Pastiche n. (Fr) An Artistic Composition Drawn From Various Sources
Signed Framed Art Piece available with either 5" x 7" or 8" x 10" Matted Photographs in a Wood Frame